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codexal news


In a Pioneering Move, CODEXAL and SPHEREKA Announce Strategic Partnership

In a Pioneering Move, CODEXAL and SPHEREKA Announce Strategic Partnership to Exchange Services and Develop Advanced Tech-Driven Games


CODEXAL and SPHEREKA are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership aimed at exchanging services and creating cutting-edge, tech-enhanced games. This collaboration combines CODEXAL's software development expertise with SPHEREKA's creativity in game design to deliver unique gaming experiences.


CODEXAL is committed to supporting startups in the tech sector, and this partnership marks its first agreement with SPHEREKA for game development. This collaboration opens new opportunities for talented developers and reinforces Jordan's position in the global gaming industry. The agreement was signed by Ms. Naama Al-Alawneh, the Branch Manager of CODEXAL in Amman, and by SPHEREKA’s CEO, Engineer Youssef Badr.


This partnership was recommended by CODEXAL's General Manager, Dr. Ibrahim Abu Kheit, who serves as a model of collaboration between the private sector and academia in advancing Jordan’s information technology sector. Through close cooperation with universities and educational institutions, Dr. Abu Kheit builds a bridge between academia and the job market, ensuring a well-qualified workforce to meet industry demands. His support for youth and entrepreneurs continues to foster innovation and entrepreneurial spirit in the community. Since launching his training programs in 2020, Dr. Abu Kheit has trained over 600 young people in various tech fields. Many of these graduates have gone on to secure prestigious positions in local and international companies or to establish innovative startups. Dr. Abu Kheit plans to expand his programs to include new technology areas and strengthen global partnerships in the coming phase.


Thanks to the CODEXAL-SPHEREKA partnership, we can now offer games with unique and innovative features. Get ready for an immersive and realistic gaming experience!